Monday, March 7, 2016

March 6, 2016

What's Happening:

Focus on Improvement:

Mr. McCorkle and I each spent a day to shadow a student last week.  It provided us with a unique opportunity to see what our school is like from a student's perspective.  We wanted to thank the students for making us feel welcome as we stepped into their world.  Here is a short video on what my day was like, a huge thank you to Mr. Clayton for creating this.

Up-Coming Events:

March 12th is the Tricky Tray, the BTEF Foundation has so many amazing prizes to give away, we hope to see you there!

Conferences will be held March 22, 23, and 24th (these are all half-days).  These conferences provide the teachers with a chance to work with you and develop a plan together if your son or daughter is struggling.  You should be hearing from teachers by Friday, March 11th if they feel a conference is necessary.  If you would like to check in and see how your son or daughter is doing, our teachers would be happy to chat on the phone or even answer some questions through email.

6th Grade Blog - Check out what is happening in 6th grade

Mr. Vogel's Newsletter - Stay up to date with Mr. Vogel's Ancient Civilization Class

Week in Pictures: